Clear, professional advice

At Professional Valuation, we help you understand your property. So you can focus on making informed decisions.
Who We Are

We are committed to providing the best advice around.

We specialise in Property Tax, Leasehold Reform and other statutory and contractual valuations.

This includes business rates, rent reviews and taxes like Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and ATED.

We pride ourselves on our knowledge of complicated valuation areas - and our ability to explain them simply.

Service Breakdown

Business Rates

We provide advice and representation to help you save money and budget effectively, no matter how large or small your portfolio is.

Tax Valuations

Valuations for tax can be complicated – but we’re on hand to help. We pride ourselves on providing the clear, reasoned advice you need.

Leasehold Valuations

We're ready to use our knowledge of lease extension and enfranchisement valuations to help you. Get in touch and let's get started.

Rent Reviews

Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, we'll make sure you get the best deal possible.

Other Valuations

We know that sometimes the purpose you need a valuation for may be just as unique as the property itself.

Our Process

Click to reveal details about our process


Step one

Communication is key. Get in touch and let us know what you need.


Step Two

Time has never been more precious. Arrange a call with one of the team - we’re here to talk you through how we can help.


Step Three

The price is right. We’ll send you a quote for the work and be on hand to answer any questions you may have.


Step Four

Let’s go! You can feel confident knowing we’re working with you on this.

Frequently asked questions

How much do you charge?

It depends. 

We’re all about doing a professional job, and tailoring it to your requirements. If you want a flat valued just so you know how much it’s worth, we’ll always provide a full and detailed report that suits your needs – but it’s going to be a lot less work than valuing an industrial estate.  

For business rates, we usually charge on a percentage of savings basis. This is highly variable based on a number of factors like how much your property is worth, how much we think we might be able to save you and how certain we are of doing so.

Whilst it’s hard to say exactly how much, our prices are fiercely competitive. This reflects our confidence in our ability to predict the most likely outcome from the start, and our lower overheads as a small, specialist firm.

The only way to know for sure is to get in touch. We’re committed to providing you with a quote and a free, no obligation review and/or discussion of your requirements as fast as possible.

What’s so special about valuations
for tax?

As with anything to do with tax, nothing is as simple as it seems.

Taxes like Capital Gains Tax (CGT), Inheritance Tax (IHT), Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) and Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) are carried out to a special, legally defined version of ‘Market Value’. This has some big differences from the Market Value you might be used to in the wider world, and these can have a massive effect on your value for tax purposes.

Business Rates are even more complicated, and there are several textbooks dedicated just to rates – one of which is said to be 6,000 pages long (we didn’t count). Did you know that fairgrounds don’t usually have to pay rates because they're 'too transient'?

Valuations for tax are complicated, and it’s vital that you make sure you instruct someone who understands the ins and outs of what they’re doing.

How do I know if I'm paying
the correct amount of Business Rates?

It’s very important to regularly review your property’s rates, to make sure you’re paying the right amount.

Rateable Values are set by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). These values determine how the local authority calculates your rates bill and are checkable on the VOA’s website [].

At Professional Valuation, we offer a free Business Rates check, with no obligation at all. All you have to do is provide us with a copy of your rates bill and we’ll go from there. Having your rates reviewed regularly ensures you’re paying the right amount, and provides reassurance to confidently plan for the future.

If I have an unoccupied property
do I still have to pay Business Rates?

In most cases unoccupied properties must still pay Business Rates. The rates bill usually falls to the person or business entitled to possession of the property.

When a property first becomes vacant, you will likely be entitled to a 3 month, 100% relief period (or 6 months for some properties like industrial units). Once you, or someone else, have used that period, full rates are usually payable – as it is a relief ‘per property’ and not ‘per ratepayer’.

But that’s not to say nothing can be done.

There are numerous ways to reduce your liability –sometimes even resulting in no rates being payable at all.

If you find yourself paying vacant rates on a property, or are likely to in future, please contact one of our experts. We’re on hand to talk you through your options.

How are my Business Rates calculated?

The amount you pay is mainly determined by the Rateable Value of your property set by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). Rateable Value is essentially a rental value, estimated using the market conditions on a specific date in the past.

Every few years the VOA conduct a ‘revaluation’ of every Business Rates assessment. Most recently this was carried out on 1st April 2017, using values from 1st April 2015. This is called the 2017 Rating List – which is currently expected to last until 31st March 2023.

In addition to this, there are various reliefs and exemptions which affect your bill ranging from ‘Local Discounts’ and Retail Relief to Transitional Relief and discounts for local newspapers.

Confused? You needn’t be.

All of our experts have years of experience in the over-complicated world of Business Rates – and often spot mistakes councils have made themselves when calculating bills.

If you’d like to know more about your current rates bill, or you’d like to discuss the 2023 Revaluation, please get in touch and we’d be happy to help.

Should I seek professional
advice regarding my Business Rates?


Business Rates are one of the most complex areas of commercial property and taxation – and the processes and government legislation involved can often be nearly unintelligible.

A lot of businesses simply aren’t aware their Rateable Value could be wrong and that they may be entitled to a refund of any over payments made since 1st April 2017.

Get in touch with us today for a free, no-obligation initial review.

If there’s nothing wrong with your current rates bill, we’ll tell you.

If you decide afterwards that you want to do it yourself, or even instruct someone else, we’ll understand.

We’re confident once you see the way we work, and the expertise we offer, you’ll want to stick around.

Like what you see? We offer a free no obligation initial consultation. 
Fill out the form in just a few seconds or call us.

0203 633 8482
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Mon - Fri 9 am - 6 pm
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