Business Rates

At Professional Valuation, we provide the advice you need to help you save money and budget effectively.

Our business rates experts may not be the life of the party, but they're great at what they do.

Every few years, the staff at the Government’s Valuation Office Agency (VOA) have to value each and every property that receives a rates bill in the country. It’s a near impossible task, and they make lots of mistakes along the way – some of which take years to be discovered.

That doesn’t mean it’s fair for you to pay too much.

Our rating team are always on the lookout for these mistakes, and are proactive in getting in touch - they might even have done so already.

If they have, they'll probably want to set up a free, no-obligation discussion of what they've found. There's really no catch to this, and you can walk away at any time.If they haven't, then please contact us for a free, initial review to see if we think your rates are too high – or if you should even be paying them at all. You'll probably be surprised at how much we're able to tell you.